Endsheet with Hotsealable Coating
RecoFold are center-folded endpapers with an age-resistant heat-seal coating on the outside. To make it easier to see which outside is the coated one, the hot-melt adhesive is colored blue. RecoFold is available in different grammages from 120g/sqm to 200g/sqm and in different formats from DIN A5 landscape format to 35x35cm square. The color palette includes various shades of white/cream through to black endpapers.
Depending on the grammage, between 600 and 900 sheets are packed upright in boxes, with the folded edge being offset from left to right in the pack.
Activation parameters: approx. 100-120°C mold temperature and surface pressure of 3 bar (= 30 N/cm²) and a sealing time of 4-5 seconds (depending on grammage and color).

Great benefits of the RECO Service.
Benefit from over 30 years of experience with bookbinding materials for hardcover books.
Folded Endpapers, Heatsealable Inquiry Form
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